What do the war in the Ukraine, Hobby Lobby, Fish, and Rhinoceros have in common?
It’s BSA! BSA/AML is in its 52nd year. In order to meet the ongoing regulatory requirements, Indiana Bankers Association is pleased to offer the BSA/AML School. This two-day School focuses on the latest changing BSA arena and offers tips and tools to develop and manage an “adequate” and “an effective and reasonably designed” BSA program.
Attendees will receive a Training Program Manual, an updated FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual, a Resource Manual (packed with examples, forms, templates, handouts), and opportunities to network with peers on current challenges and trends.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 to Thursday, June 23, 2022
IBA Center for Professional Development
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd. Suite 155E
Indianapolis, IN 46240
IBA Members
$595 first registrant
$495 for each additional registrant
Participation in IBA programs is limited to members, associate members, and nonmembers from an eligible membership category at applicable member or non-member rates. Surcharge of 100% for Non-Members.
Fees include, casebook, study materials, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks each day.
Wednesday, June 22
Thursday, June 23