The Compliance Management School is designed specifically for those who want to upgrade their skills in compliance management, as well as their ability to influence others to solve compliance problems facing their bank. This interactive course will generally not discuss individual regulations, but will focus on compliance management, compliance leadership, and the day-to-day issues that may arise.e is designed to be extremely interactive and the input of attendees is required. Each attendee will be challenged to share experiences, challenges, successes and failures so that the larger group may benefit from best practices and approaches that did and did not work. The course will include multiple case studies and a round table discussion of pre-planned compliance management topics.
Attendees are encouraged to bring questions and suggest topics they would like addressed by the group. Prior to the school, all attendees will be solicited for topics, and that topic list will be forwarded to all attendees for their “contemplation” before the school. The input and comments of the attendees is a vital part of this school, as much of the presentation is designed to be interactive rather than lecture.
The school will train attendees to recognize and assess regulatory problems facing their banks and discuss potential solutions to resolve these problems. Bankers will learn how to develop process models, assess compliance risk, determine weaknesses in controls, create controls to prevent and detect problems, manage a compliance monitoring
program, work through regulatory changes and influence others to implement solutions. Attendees will gain valuable hands-on experience through case studies that require them to make judgments and develop influence strategies in scenarios designed to depict real-world situations.
By attending this school, attendees will receive two days of intense, practical compliance training that can be applied directly to their careers as compliance professionals.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 to Wednesday, April 20, 2022
IBA Center for Professional Development
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd. Suite 155E
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Participation in IBA programs is limited to members, associate members, and nonmembers from an eligible membership category at applicable member or non-member rates. Surcharge of 100% for Non-Members.